Incident Information:
Attachment Size Wapiti Fire Camp Evacuation FLA.pdf (779 KB) 779 KB -
Idaho -
08/22/2024 -
Incident Type:
Close CallLarge Fire -
Fire spread modeling by one of two incident management teams (IMT) managing nearby large fires on the Boise National Forest predicted that the Wapiti Fire would impact the Warm Springs forward operating base (FOB). In the midst of team transitions, the decision was made to relocate the FOB outside the probable fire growth area, to Valley Creek. This move began on August 22. Nearly all equipment and infrastructure was successfully relocated to the new Valley Creek FOB, with the exception of some supplies, a portable Cell-on-Wheels, six yurts, and two generators. Some fire personnel remained at the Warm Springs site on August 23 to implement some defensive firing to protect the equipment left on site, after which they evacuated the site as well. After the flaming front had passed, IMT members returned to the site to find that one yurt had burned, and with no other significant damage to incident supplies or equipment.