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Wyoming Work Capacity Test Hit by Vehicle 2024

  • Incident Information:

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    Wyoming Work Capacity Test Hit by Vehicle.pdf (129.5 KB) 129.5 KB
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  • Incident Type:

    Hit or Run Over by Vehicle
  • Description:

    On May 31, 2024, during a Work Capacity Test (WCT), or "pack test," located in Pinedale, Wyoming, three participants were struck by a car. After reaching the turnaround point, three employees were crossing the same two-lane road, approximately 100 yards from the finish line, when they were struck by a private vehicle turning right. With EMTs onsite during the WCT, the medical response was outstanding. Two of the firefighters struck were treated and released on site. The third firefighter was injured and transported via ambulance to the local hospital. The injured firefighter is expected to make a full recovery.