This Hotshot Was Burned When His Saw Geysered - Listen to His Lessons.
By Travis Dotson Nic bucked up the tree he had just put on the ground. Then he shut the saw off and sat with his saw partner for 15-20 minutes. Nic got up to cut another tree. The saw wouldn't start. He had heard all the stories. He had talked about geysering in training. He had even experienced fuel geysers before. Watch:
Nic is solid. Chances are you're solid as well. Solid does not mean accident proof. Wisdom from Nic:
- "It caught me off guard because it didn't match up to any of the signs I'd recognized before. I've been surprised once, I can be surprised again."
- "I never thought I would get hurt by opening my fuel tank. It's not one of those things you recognize as being a major hazard."
- "I definitely don't feel like I can predict it anymore. I don't think it's worth betting on, just treat it like it's always going to geyser and put yourself in a better place whenever you plan on opening the cap."
Now you know - do something different.