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The Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center Library houses learning focused documents not specifically affiliated with an incident.  Incident specific documents can be found in the Incident Review Database.

Title Description
Southern California Firestorm 2003: Report for the WFLLC 2003

This report, created immediately after the October-November 2003 Southern California Firestorm, sought to capture the experiences of those who fought these fires, capture the important lessons learned by them, and learn how these events affected the firefighting strategy, tactics, techniques, and decision making of those involved.

The View From Here 2018

A collection of 16 essays on the subjects of risk, culture, and operations, representing "collective insights into how we operate and why we must alter some of our most ingrained practices and perspectives."

Tips for Writing and Submitting RLS Reports 2022

One-page document of tips and process information to aid authors of Rapid Lessons Sharing (RLS) documents in writing and submitting documents to the Lessons Learned Center. 

Tree Felling Accident Analysis 2004 to 2019

The intent is for this report to provide context around the conditions present when those in our workforce are injured or killed in the process of falling trees. This report was produced at the request of the National Park Service and U.S. Forest Service following the line of duty death of Brian Hughes on the Ferguson Fire in 2018. 

Trends in Wildland Fire Entrapment Fatalities Revisited 2013

This paper presents a brief timeline of some significant organizational changes in the wildland fire service along with the annual entrapment fatality numbers. 

Tri-Data Wildland Fire Safety Awareness Study 1998

The three phases of the Wildland Fire Safety Awareness Study was an effort of interagency fire management and TriData to improve wildland fire safety after the 1994 fire season. The study was released in three phases, comprising survey responses, goals, and recommendations, released from 1996 to 1998. 

Wildland Firefighter Hearing Conservation Interim Report 2016

This report summarizes data collected in the field on 182 wildland firefighters, recording noise exposure while they performed 14 wildland fire work activities. 

Work Capacity Test Infographic 2021

This infographic summarizes 24 incidents which occurred during the work capacity test ("pack test"), including five fatalities. It includes links to several reports. 

Year End Infographics

Produced at the beginning of the year, the Year End Infographic summarizes key statistics and lessons from the previous calendar year (2019 to Present).

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